Our reviews

(731 Reviews)
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October 29, 2019
Shredded chicken chow mein was a surprise favorite. The Dry Chili Beef was delicious as always. Delivery was quick too.

October 19, 2019
Goopy gelatinous black bean sauce on prawn chow mein made it a very average dish at best

October 18, 2019
Must try the Dry Szechuan Chili Ginger Beef.

October 18, 2019
Love the Szechuan Dry Chili Beef! Quick, friendly delivery.

October 09, 2019
Pleasantly surprised. The sweet and sour pork was excellent. Good service and my order was ready on time.

October 01, 2019
Ordering online and going to pick up my meal is ideal. The website is easy to navigate. They were fast and very efficient. My lunch was excellent. This is the second time I've ordered from here and they didn't disappoint. I will definitely keep ordering from them in the future.

October 01, 2019
Ordering online and going to pick up my meal is ideal. The website is easy to navigate. They were fast and very efficient. My lunch was excellent. This is the second time I've ordered from here and they didn't disappoint. I will definitely keep ordering from them in the future.

October 01, 2019
Ordering online and going to pick up my meal is ideal. The website is easy to navigate. They were fast and very efficient. My lunch was excellent. This is the second time I've ordered from here and they didn't disappoint. I will definitely keep ordering from them in the future.

September 17, 2019
Good quality as always

September 14, 2019
Great food!