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Our reviews

(731 Reviews)
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March 25, 2019
best in vancouver hands down

March 20, 2019
Great food and we have been a fan for many years.

March 16, 2019
Really good

March 11, 2019
Large portion of chow mein. Very quick delivery.

March 09, 2019
Delivery was fast. Best Dry Ginger Beef we've had in Vancouver.

March 05, 2019
It was my first time ordering here, I loved everything. Especially the wontons in chilli & penut sauce!

February 27, 2019
Good food, just make sure to choose pickup instead of delivery

February 23, 2019
Great food and fast. Eat here often.

February 22, 2019
Quick. Fresh. On-time. Warm. Delicious.

February 06, 2019
was not as good as last time. I asked for crunchy noodles and got soft. lots of fat on the garlic pork dish.